avatar for 07_amansaini
5,331 tweets
137 commits
Bʟᴜᴇᴰⱽ spends 97% of their time tweeting and 3% of their time coding
Bʟᴜᴇᴰⱽ and shahanneda are 98% compatible as cofounders
76 tweets
5,293 commits
avatar for shahanneda
shahanneda spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
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avatar for anuditnagar

Anudit Nagar

@anuditnagar987 followers149 tweets5,336 commits
100% match
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@luchitosktt83 followers109 tweets5,337 commits
99% match
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Oskar Wójcikiewicz

@o_wojcikiewicz162 followers112 tweets5,308 commits
99% match
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Kateryna Porshnieva

@krambertech1,103 followers105 tweets5,352 commits
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Nivedita Singh

@explore30666817209 followers144 tweets5,385 commits
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@emsec_63 followers86 tweets5,351 commits
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Justin Catello

@jcatello39 followers180 tweets5,361 commits
99% match
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Andrei C

@andreicek38 followers196 tweets5,312 commits
99% match
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@whosmatu47 followers173 tweets5,376 commits
99% match
avatar for odfsoufiane

Soufiane Odf

@odfsoufiane29 followers72 tweets5,311 commits
98% match
avatar for jisanmia47

Jisan Mia

@jisanmia47113 followers80 tweets5,301 commits
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@kumbu_dev27 followers78 tweets5,302 commits
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@morganamilo94 followers52 tweets5,338 commits
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avatar for shahanneda


@shahanneda441 followers76 tweets5,293 commits
98% match
avatar for adamkchew

Adam K Chew

@adamkchew105 followers114 tweets5,252 commits
98% match
avatar for guillaumepetiot


@guillaumepetiot78 followers64 tweets5,290 commits
98% match