The best cofounder for Brayo is...

avatar for justin_mandzik
Justin Mandzik
avatar for subrupt
2,104 tweets
1,558 commits
Brayo spends 57% of their time tweeting and 43% of their time coding
Brayo and Justin Mandzik are 99% compatible as cofounders
Justin Mandzik
1,545 tweets
2,140 commits
avatar for justin_mandzik
Justin Mandzik spends 42% of their time tweeting and 58% of their time coding
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avatar for jasminepvodev

Jasmine Vo

@jasminepvodev2,354 followers1,531 tweets2,138 commits
98% match
avatar for rgarat

Rubén Garat

@rgarat395 followers1,540 tweets2,168 commits
98% match
avatar for mohouyizme

Mohamed Ouyizme

@mohouyizme895 followers1,587 tweets2,159 commits
98% match
avatar for realshojaei


@realshojaei1,541 followers1,519 tweets2,046 commits
97% match
avatar for samyarkd

Samyar 🌌 ⏭️

@samyarkd48 followers1,483 tweets2,133 commits
97% match
avatar for raukadah

Chandan Kumar (raukadah)

@raukadah349 followers1,618 tweets2,152 commits
97% match
avatar for huseinzol05


@huseinzol051,300 followers1,552 tweets1,994 commits
97% match
avatar for sy100x


@sy100x1,736 followers1,582 tweets2,008 commits
97% match
avatar for crockeo

Cerek Hillen (

@crockeo93 followers1,679 tweets2,099 commits
97% match
avatar for iambryansanders

Bryan Sanders

@iambryansanders2,898 followers1,471 tweets2,060 commits
96% match
avatar for todd_tello

Todd Nelson

@todd_tello299 followers1,508 tweets2,190 commits
96% match
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@manishgotame98 followers1,444 tweets2,077 commits
96% match
avatar for pnnutkung_pub


@pnnutkung_pub70 followers1,492 tweets2,028 commits
96% match
avatar for nomalex_

Alexandre Grisey

@nomalex_490 followers1,580 tweets2,230 commits
96% match
avatar for fueredoriku

Fredrik Eiding

@fueredoriku37 followers1,417 tweets2,113 commits
96% match