︎ayushag | octasol.io ⚡ spends 71% of their time tweeting and 29% of their time coding
︎ayushag | octasol.io ⚡ and bbaovanc are 99% compatible as cofounders
1,754 tweets
4,282 commits
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bbaovanc spends 29% of their time tweeting and 71% of their time coding
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avatar for exacademic_

Halim Tannous

@exacademic_303 followers1,760 tweets4,232 commits
100% match
avatar for benjaminorsini


@benjaminorsini172 followers1,736 tweets4,231 commits
99% match
avatar for vnbaaij

Vincent Baaij

@vnbaaij783 followers1,772 tweets4,186 commits
99% match
avatar for bbaovanc


@bbaovanc198 followers1,754 tweets4,282 commits
99% match
avatar for hotkartoffel1

ben shafii🍊 — oss/acc

@hotkartoffel1538 followers1,778 tweets4,315 commits
99% match
avatar for mdhalloran

Matt Halloran

@mdhalloran848 followers1,879 tweets4,223 commits
98% match
avatar for 0xstephenbyrne


@0xstephenbyrne1,167 followers1,860 tweets4,269 commits
98% match
avatar for ymatuhin

Юрий Матюхин

@ymatuhin301 followers1,845 tweets4,185 commits
98% match
avatar for miguelgomes4


@miguelgomes4503 followers1,877 tweets4,259 commits
98% match
avatar for tobiascornille

Tobias Cornille

@tobiascornille589 followers1,892 tweets4,258 commits
98% match
avatar for cvexor

Sina Pirani

@cvexor830 followers1,619 tweets4,207 commits
97% match
avatar for wrick7132

Pratyush Poddar

@wrick7132262 followers1,641 tweets4,296 commits
97% match
avatar for _orso_

Michele Orselli

@_orso_919 followers1,795 tweets4,066 commits
97% match
avatar for juciano_barbosa

Juciano Barbosa ⚛️

@juciano_barbosa231 followers1,578 tweets4,236 commits
97% match
avatar for jashandotsol

Jashan Pratap

@jashandotsol1,257 followers1,919 tweets4,290 commits
97% match
avatar for jullerino


@jullerino6,113 followers1,753 tweets4,421 commits
97% match