avatar for adi_mait
Aditya Kapoor
39 tweets
2 commits
Aditya Kapoor spends 95% of their time tweeting and 5% of their time coding
Aditya Kapoor and yeimer campo are 93% compatible as cofounders
yeimer campo
1 tweets
41 commits
avatar for yeimercampo
yeimer campo spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
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avatar for _rishabhjoshii_

Rishabh Joshi

@_rishabhjoshii_10 followers4 tweets39 commits
95% match
avatar for octocat


@octocat6 followers0 tweets38 commits
93% match
avatar for yeimercampo

yeimer campo

@yeimercampo77 followers1 tweets41 commits
93% match
avatar for tanmayc25

Tanmay Chaudhari

@tanmayc2530 followers4 tweets38 commits
93% match
avatar for surbhijha


@surbhijha0 followers0 tweets41 commits
90% match
avatar for arielfmv

Ariel Velazquez

@arielfmv13 followers0 tweets41 commits
90% match
avatar for ap172x

Ansuman Patnaik

@ap172x23 followers1 tweets36 commits
90% match
avatar for kethmark

Kethmark Zamora

@kethmark0 followers1 tweets42 commits
90% match
avatar for johan_ro25

Johan Rodríguez

@johan_ro254 followers4 tweets41 commits
90% match
avatar for mijaelrev


@mijaelrev13 followers0 tweets41 commits
90% match
avatar for dev_gilberto


@dev_gilberto0 followers0 tweets41 commits
90% match
avatar for davdmoo

causality enjoyer

@davdmoo132 followers0 tweets41 commits
90% match
avatar for davidmendoza98

jose david

@davidmendoza982 followers1 tweets43 commits
88% match
avatar for armandolinaress

Armando Soto Linares

@armandolinaress2 followers1 tweets43 commits
88% match
avatar for psionicalch

Jean-Jacques Strydom

@psionicalch82 followers0 tweets36 commits
88% match
avatar for neworly

leah peterson

@neworly0 followers0 tweets36 commits
88% match