The best cofounder for Anaica Grouver is...

avatar for premstwt
Prem Kumar
avatar for grouveranaica
Anaica Grouver
1,782 tweets
37 commits
Anaica Grouver spends 98% of their time tweeting and 2% of their time coding
Anaica Grouver and Prem Kumar are 100% compatible as cofounders
Prem Kumar
39 tweets
1,775 commits
avatar for premstwt
Prem Kumar spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
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Matt Beveridge

@mattjbev469 followers30 tweets1,786 commits
99% match
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kldzj ☕

@k1dzj42 followers34 tweets1,772 commits
99% match
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@iffypixy15 followers24 tweets1,780 commits
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Edward Ha

@edwardhaquoc12 followers39 tweets1,797 commits
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Nate Clark

@n8c14rk30 followers19 tweets1,780 commits
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Gheorghe Pinzaru

@ferossgp214 followers53 tweets1,778 commits
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@jlortiz036 followers19 tweets1,778 commits
99% match
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Wojciech M. Wnuk

@wmwnuk36 followers43 tweets1,801 commits
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Sumil Suthar

@sumilsuthar19791 followers15 tweets1,778 commits
99% match
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@ismcagdas413 followers16 tweets1,777 commits
99% match
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Ahmad Dzuizz Annajib

@ahmaddzuizz3,504 followers43 tweets1,760 commits
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@bcmmbaga56 followers30 tweets1,803 commits
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Ahsanul Haque Millat

@sneherador23 followers35 tweets1,753 commits
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@natkarmios55 followers15 tweets1,773 commits
98% match
avatar for foundmalek

Malek Gara-Hellal

@foundmalek15 followers36 tweets1,751 commits
98% match