avatar for iarjunbharti
Arjun Bharti
411 tweets
1,503 commits
Arjun Bharti spends 21% of their time tweeting and 79% of their time coding
Arjun Bharti and hexbyte are 96% compatible as cofounders
1,483 tweets
362 commits
avatar for 0xhexbyte
hexbyte spends 80% of their time tweeting and 20% of their time coding
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avatar for iamsoham

Soham Dasgupta

@iamsoham564 followers1,501 tweets391 commits
99% match
avatar for abhineet_baghel


@abhineet_baghel480 followers1,462 tweets410 commits
98% match
avatar for pandeyyash_

Yash Pandey

@pandeyyash_255 followers1,490 tweets382 commits
98% match
avatar for rumanharis

Mohammad Ruman 🇮🇳

@rumanharis302 followers1,461 tweets422 commits
97% match
avatar for vrukshaliii


@vrukshaliii2,895 followers1,447 tweets410 commits
97% match
avatar for 0xhexbyte


@0xhexbyte262 followers1,483 tweets362 commits
96% match
avatar for theorganicai

Ayla Croft

@theorganicai309 followers1,430 tweets420 commits
96% match
avatar for khazakar

Damian Zaręba

@khazakar66 followers1,470 tweets360 commits
96% match
avatar for _fudy


@_fudy276 followers1,516 tweets484 commits
96% match
avatar for vxsahu

vikas sahu

@vxsahu456 followers1,527 tweets348 commits
95% match
avatar for simpathey

Simpathey - Indie Game Dev

@simpathey1,182 followers1,519 tweets320 commits
94% match
avatar for wladimirosz


@wladimirosz27 followers1,439 tweets367 commits
94% match
avatar for marv7009


@marv70091,192 followers1,412 tweets439 commits
94% match
avatar for rustyrishii


@rustyrishii675 followers1,520 tweets519 commits
93% match
avatar for basti_vkl

Sebastian Völkl

@basti_vkl4,851 followers1,410 tweets378 commits
93% match
avatar for adamos9898


@adamos9898614 followers1,603 tweets385 commits
93% match