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Engineer Monk
592 tweets
520 commits
Engineer Monk spends 53% of their time tweeting and 47% of their time coding
Engineer Monk and Carlos Arévalo Torres are 98% compatible as cofounders
Carlos Arévalo Torres spends 48% of their time tweeting and 52% of their time coding
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avatar for i_krsna4


@i_krsna4186 followers520 tweets600 commits
99% match
avatar for techfrenaj

techfren os/acc

@techfrenaj436 followers507 tweets591 commits
99% match
avatar for chad_r_stewart

Chad 'The TechIsHiring Guy' R. Stewart

@chad_r_stewart5,675 followers524 tweets604 commits
99% match
avatar for phenomen

Alex Phen

@phenomen140 followers501 tweets592 commits
98% match
avatar for carlosandresat

Carlos Arévalo Torres

@carlosandresat86 followers524 tweets574 commits
98% match
avatar for archer_script

Bea 🐝

@archer_script75 followers501 tweets598 commits
98% match
avatar for oyepez003

Omar Yepez

@oyepez003150 followers490 tweets592 commits
97% match
avatar for beneyal_

Ben Eyal

@beneyal_59 followers518 tweets558 commits
97% match
avatar for umerhadil

Umer Adil

@umerhadil797 followers516 tweets626 commits
97% match
avatar for xcrap

César Couto

@xcrap365 followers482 tweets590 commits
96% match
avatar for spiffgreen

Spiff Jekey-Green💻🚀🤓

@spiffgreen326 followers553 tweets600 commits
96% match
avatar for deepalikank

Deepali Kank

@deepalikank847 followers512 tweets555 commits
96% match
avatar for michael_schwobe

Michael Schw💣be

@michael_schwobe71 followers564 tweets590 commits
96% match
avatar for ma_estopace

Mark Anthony Estopace 🖤

@ma_estopace79 followers526 tweets551 commits
96% match
avatar for slava_razum

Slava Razum

@slava_razum73 followers496 tweets615 commits
96% match
avatar for parthib_deb23


@parthib_deb2331 followers507 tweets629 commits
96% match