avatar for bhimrazyadav
Bhimraj Yadav
748 tweets
5,693 commits
Bhimraj Yadav spends 12% of their time tweeting and 88% of their time coding
Bhimraj Yadav and CristyanV are 97% compatible as cofounders
5,602 tweets
832 commits
avatar for cristyan12
CristyanV spends 87% of their time tweeting and 13% of their time coding
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avatar for jaffreyjoy


@jaffreyjoy218 followers5,696 tweets753 commits
100% match
avatar for juanchi1820

Juan Gonzalez

@juanchi182087 followers5,613 tweets768 commits
98% match
avatar for imyerf

ImYerf - COBOL shaman

@imyerf402 followers5,724 tweets677 commits
98% match
avatar for kmaphoenix


@kmaphoenix216 followers5,726 tweets655 commits
98% match
avatar for maniload


@maniload362 followers5,623 tweets676 commits
98% match
avatar for vas1stdas

vas g 🪴

@vas1stdas290 followers5,586 tweets792 commits
98% match
avatar for cssweekly

CSS Weekly

@cssweekly16,479 followers5,842 tweets732 commits
97% match
avatar for aridutilh

ari dutilh

@aridutilh3,405 followers5,621 tweets849 commits
97% match
avatar for cristyan12


@cristyan12234 followers5,602 tweets832 commits
97% match
avatar for lateasusual_

Late as usual 🏳️‍⚧️

@lateasusual_60,864 followers5,567 tweets807 commits
97% match
avatar for _annonnymouss_


@_annonnymouss_1,770 followers5,686 tweets960 commits
97% match
avatar for sinasanm

Sina Meraji

@sinasanm611 followers5,657 tweets563 commits
97% match
avatar for gingkapls


@gingkapls186 followers5,548 tweets826 commits
97% match
avatar for blame_leo


@blame_leo596 followers5,476 tweets737 commits
96% match
avatar for danfascia


@danfascia2,481 followers5,594 tweets880 commits
96% match
avatar for nerdywoffy


@nerdywoffy2,052 followers5,664 tweets533 commits
96% match