avatar for bhushanwtf
Bhushan Wagh
110 tweets
543 commits
Bhushan Wagh spends 17% of their time tweeting and 83% of their time coding
Bhushan Wagh and Laksh Dilliwal are 94% compatible as cofounders
Laksh Dilliwal
539 tweets
72 commits
avatar for lakshdilliwal
Laksh Dilliwal spends 88% of their time tweeting and 12% of their time coding
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Rishabh Jain

@rishabhmakes208 followers540 tweets112 commits
99% match
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Fery Widyatama

@fwidyatama91 followers564 tweets109 commits
97% match
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@dy5topian105 followers567 tweets109 commits
96% match
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@shaikh_sahil1138 followers552 tweets128 commits
96% match
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Nathan kayumba

@kayumba_nathan81 followers551 tweets130 commits
96% match
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Andrés C

@aconeop33 followers530 tweets90 commits
95% match
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Vineet Joseph

@vineetjoseph223 followers515 tweets105 commits
95% match
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Mzee Kelong

@benjyshields398 followers526 tweets127 commits
95% match
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@bhaveshstwt310 followers555 tweets134 commits
94% match
avatar for hardfire


@hardfire1,533 followers579 tweets111 commits
94% match
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@garfbradaz114 followers569 tweets97 commits
94% match
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Geoffrey Owuor

@geoffowuor431 followers554 tweets81 commits
94% match
avatar for deamplified

Sean Kelly

@deamplified257 followers520 tweets91 commits
94% match
avatar for lakshdilliwal

Laksh Dilliwal

@lakshdilliwal803 followers539 tweets72 commits
94% match
avatar for punskaari

Satish Yadav

@punskaari153 followers520 tweets133 commits
93% match
avatar for vixclotet

Victoria (Vix) Clotet

@vixclotet536 followers574 tweets127 commits
93% match