avatar for iam_bhuvan_
397 tweets
110 commits
Bhuvan spends 78% of their time tweeting and 22% of their time coding
Bhuvan and Dede Iskandar are 96% compatible as cofounders
Dede Iskandar
112 tweets
377 commits
avatar for d3215k
Dede Iskandar spends 23% of their time tweeting and 77% of their time coding
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avatar for aryalmukul


@aryalmukul225 followers110 tweets406 commits
98% match
avatar for monarch0111


@monarch011165 followers116 tweets402 commits
98% match
avatar for aswinpy

Aswin Pyakurel

@aswinpy330 followers100 tweets393 commits
97% match
avatar for arvinddeshraj


@arvinddeshraj51 followers103 tweets390 commits
97% match
avatar for breadworshipper


@breadworshipper97 followers127 tweets397 commits
97% match
avatar for v473r10

Facundo Valerio

@v473r1057 followers97 tweets401 commits
97% match
avatar for iamharshitsing

Harshit Singh

@iamharshitsing28 followers121 tweets388 commits
96% match
avatar for liltrendi

Brian Njogu

@liltrendi500 followers119 tweets385 commits
96% match
avatar for d3215k

Dede Iskandar

@d3215k41 followers112 tweets377 commits
96% match
avatar for sheferdev

shefer ◍ design&dotnet

@sheferdev55 followers124 tweets389 commits
96% match
avatar for mfontanadev

Mauricio Fontana

@mfontanadev13 followers109 tweets375 commits
95% match
avatar for pierremartin

Pierre Martin 💿

@pierremartin1,497 followers98 tweets385 commits
95% match
avatar for puvisty

Pruthvi Shetty

@puvisty70 followers100 tweets412 commits
95% match
avatar for spirit_x64


@spirit_x6441 followers115 tweets417 commits
95% match
avatar for n1tr0s_ken


@n1tr0s_ken55 followers85 tweets395 commits
95% match
avatar for lumixing


@lumixing7 followers103 tweets417 commits
95% match