avatar for brice_suazo
2,641 tweets
2,956 commits
C:\Users\Brice spends 47% of their time tweeting and 53% of their time coding
C:\Users\Brice and Christoph Nakazawa are 96% compatible as cofounders
Christoph Nakazawa
3,069 tweets
2,533 commits
avatar for cpojer
Christoph Nakazawa spends 55% of their time tweeting and 45% of their time coding
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avatar for fritzdenim

Franz Noel

@fritzdenim302 followers2,907 tweets2,641 commits
99% match
avatar for aviflombaum


@aviflombaum7,795 followers2,892 tweets2,647 commits
99% match
avatar for thetechieowl

krish β€’ the techie owl πŸ¦‰

@thetechieowl4,236 followers2,997 tweets2,700 commits
98% match
avatar for aaronkazah

Aaron Kazah

@aaronkazah784 followers2,849 tweets2,650 commits
98% match
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@slejmur1,337 followers2,970 tweets2,500 commits
97% match
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@gozmansunday228 followers2,975 tweets2,504 commits
97% match
avatar for taymoork2

Taymoor Khan

@taymoork2444 followers3,047 tweets2,561 commits
97% match
avatar for verry_codes

Verry πŸ’™

@verry_codes7,421 followers3,112 tweets2,690 commits
96% match
avatar for liji32

Lior Halphon

@liji321,849 followers2,765 tweets2,671 commits
96% match
avatar for cpojer

Christoph Nakazawa

@cpojer28,169 followers3,069 tweets2,533 commits
96% match
avatar for ovstoica

Ovi Stoica

@ovstoica635 followers2,924 tweets2,437 commits
96% match
avatar for m_schneider

Mango Max πŸ…±οΈπŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎπŸ₯­πŸ¦€

@m_schneider7,525 followers2,972 tweets2,417 commits
96% match
avatar for noyandogane

Noyan Doğan 🐍

@noyandogane108 followers2,830 tweets2,756 commits
96% match
avatar for exabyt3_

Nabeel Parkar

@exabyt3_380 followers2,931 tweets2,414 commits
95% match
avatar for jordibruin

Jordi Bruin

@jordibruin18,873 followers2,807 tweets2,747 commits
95% match
avatar for zaidmukaddam


@zaidmukaddam7,870 followers3,214 tweets2,630 commits
95% match