avatar for sbrownbourne
Stephen Brown-Bourne
1,949 tweets
4,168 commits
Stephen Brown-Bourne spends 32% of their time tweeting and 68% of their time coding
Stephen Brown-Bourne and 🌦️ are 98% compatible as cofounders
4,273 tweets
1,962 commits
avatar for gennyble
🌦️ spends 69% of their time tweeting and 31% of their time coding
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avatar for mahiro0x00


@mahiro0x00849 followers4,152 tweets1,969 commits
99% match
avatar for violetto96


@violetto96350 followers4,186 tweets1,986 commits
99% match
avatar for moonrisetk

Tanishq Kancharla (tk) 🌊

@moonrisetk434 followers4,214 tweets1,929 commits
99% match
avatar for purchasable

I'm not

@purchasable63,665 followers4,112 tweets1,925 commits
99% match
avatar for duckyblender


@duckyblender199 followers4,229 tweets1,921 commits
99% match
avatar for leoralph


@leoralph280 followers4,215 tweets2,016 commits
98% match
avatar for gennyble


@gennyble401 followers4,273 tweets1,962 commits
98% match
avatar for lmcanavals

Luis M Canaval S. 👾

@lmcanavals48 followers4,218 tweets1,862 commits
98% match
avatar for ziad_m_404

Ziad Mansour

@ziad_m_4041,048 followers4,318 tweets1,945 commits
97% match
avatar for _tauqeerahmad

Tauqeer Ahmad is hustling with #etherlink

@_tauqeerahmad847 followers4,313 tweets1,926 commits
97% match
avatar for kamaroolkarim

Kamarool Karim

@kamaroolkarim1,003 followers4,317 tweets1,901 commits
97% match
avatar for mbuguakamau_

Kelvin Mbugua

@mbuguakamau_4,073 followers3,997 tweets1,902 commits
96% match
avatar for ricardov03

Ricardo Vargas

@ricardov03558 followers4,194 tweets1,752 commits
96% match
avatar for _maityamit

Amit Maity

@_maityamit1,905 followers4,245 tweets2,098 commits
96% match
avatar for ayushagr91

︎ayushag | octasol.io ⚡

@ayushagr91570 followers4,235 tweets1,772 commits
96% match
avatar for ashwinexe

Ashwin Kumar Uppala (He/Him)

@ashwinexe7,496 followers4,130 tweets1,718 commits
96% match