avatar for _chenglou
Cheng Lou
435 tweets
1,613 commits
Cheng Lou spends 21% of their time tweeting and 79% of their time coding
Cheng Lou and The Word πŸ“– is in the Heart ❀ are 95% compatible as cofounders
The Word πŸ“– is in the Heart ❀ spends 82% of their time tweeting and 18% of their time coding
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avatar for stasklymenko

Stas Klymenko πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

@stasklymenko12,828 followers1,630 tweets426 commits
99% match
avatar for skyg4mb

Alejandro Gamboa

@skyg4mb418 followers1,658 tweets433 commits
98% match
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@sammy_o_osaro205 followers1,585 tweets456 commits
98% match
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Yujian Tang

@yujian_tang390 followers1,590 tweets461 commits
98% match
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@adamos9898614 followers1,603 tweets385 commits
97% match
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Rahman Firmansyah

@rahmanazizf149 followers1,682 tweets436 commits
97% match
avatar for farbklex91

Alexander Hoffmann

@farbklex91127 followers1,641 tweets480 commits
96% match
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@baraahekal2,287 followers1,632 tweets376 commits
96% match
avatar for profause

The Word πŸ“– is in the Heart ❀

@profause131 followers1,621 tweets349 commits
95% match
avatar for _siddhartharya_

ΰ€Έΰ€Ώΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€§ΰ€Ύΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€₯ ΰ€†ΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€―

@_siddhartharya_175 followers1,723 tweets436 commits
95% match
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ParaMattKoopa Lolking

@paramattyt268 followers1,681 tweets389 commits
94% match
avatar for emy82ar

Emi Brizuela

@emy82ar167 followers1,642 tweets346 commits
94% match
avatar for sachinkry

Sachin Yadav

@sachinkry147 followers1,679 tweets379 commits
94% match
avatar for fawaz_exe

Syed Fawaz Ali @ DIS2024

@fawaz_exe464 followers1,607 tweets552 commits
94% match
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@simonctech58 followers1,578 tweets343 commits
94% match
avatar for ismrnobody

Mr Nobody

@ismrnobody134 followers1,647 tweets342 commits
94% match