avatar for _clarkio
Brian Clark
6,410 tweets
2,620 commits
Brian Clark spends 71% of their time tweeting and 29% of their time coding
Brian Clark and Dillion are 99% compatible as cofounders
2,608 tweets
6,327 commits
avatar for dillionverma
Dillion spends 29% of their time tweeting and 71% of their time coding
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avatar for dillionverma


@dillionverma6,792 followers2,608 tweets6,327 commits
99% match
avatar for furkangulsenn

Furkan Gulsen

@furkangulsenn13,209 followers2,659 tweets6,567 commits
98% match
avatar for thedevdavid

David Levai

@thedevdavid660 followers2,597 tweets6,602 commits
98% match
avatar for adotey_

UX Geek 💻🖥⌨😎

@adotey_587 followers2,417 tweets6,370 commits
97% match
avatar for selrond

Sebastian Andil

@selrond240 followers2,804 tweets6,334 commits
97% match
avatar for lupka

Alex Chalupka

@lupka382 followers2,466 tweets6,522 commits
97% match
avatar for tonywanhjor

Tony Wanhjör

@tonywanhjor196 followers2,545 tweets6,607 commits
97% match
avatar for yuanchuan23


@yuanchuan237,206 followers2,594 tweets6,144 commits
97% match
avatar for thomaslevesque

Thomas Levesque

@thomaslevesque660 followers2,841 tweets6,323 commits
97% match
avatar for jdk2588

Jaideep Khandelwal

@jdk25881,030 followers2,382 tweets6,319 commits
96% match
avatar for juanoa_

Juan Otálora

@juanoa_513 followers2,385 tweets6,524 commits
96% match
avatar for satya_wikananda

Satya Wikananda

@satya_wikananda255 followers2,391 tweets6,260 commits
96% match
avatar for ja1code


@ja1code99 followers2,714 tweets6,704 commits
96% match
avatar for newbish

Keith Kikta

@newbish189 followers2,616 tweets6,016 commits
96% match
avatar for j_deniau

Julien Deniau

@j_deniau313 followers2,437 tweets6,632 commits
96% match
avatar for bamble_bam

Burhanuddin Rizzwala e/rizz

@bamble_bam149 followers2,379 tweets6,582 commits
95% match