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Apollo.sui πŸ’§
718 tweets
1,765 commits
Apollo.sui πŸ’§ spends 29% of their time tweeting and 71% of their time coding
Apollo.sui πŸ’§ and harsh patel are 96% compatible as cofounders
harsh patel
1,837 tweets
690 commits
avatar for theharshpat
harsh patel spends 73% of their time tweeting and 27% of their time coding
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avatar for micahalexkenda1

Micah Kendall

@micahalexkenda11,917 followers1,780 tweets734 commits
99% match
avatar for 1marc

Marc Grabanski

@1marc16,614 followers1,740 tweets710 commits
99% match
avatar for _imkaka

Anil Khatri

@_imkaka144 followers1,718 tweets714 commits
98% match
avatar for skylarexe

skye πŸ‘Ύ

@skylarexe350 followers1,748 tweets757 commits
98% match
avatar for yynoes


@yynoes129 followers1,770 tweets663 commits
98% match
avatar for bluruwu

Bluruwu 🦘

@bluruwu60 followers1,812 tweets697 commits
97% match
avatar for a7u14

Abdulrahman Seyada

@a7u14127 followers1,762 tweets652 commits
97% match
avatar for sreesen03

Sreejit Sengupto

@sreesen0381 followers1,767 tweets786 commits
97% match
avatar for thatrandomguy09

Vansh Vasishtha

@thatrandomguy09271 followers1,799 tweets772 commits
96% match
avatar for lysender


@lysender283 followers1,736 tweets656 commits
96% match
avatar for damarnez

Daniel MartΓ­n | damarnez{.eth,.lens}

@damarnez692 followers1,855 tweets712 commits
96% match
avatar for theharshpat

harsh patel

@theharshpat693 followers1,837 tweets690 commits
96% match
avatar for 0x14rp

R ツ

@0x14rp128 followers1,858 tweets729 commits
96% match
avatar for bluematt


@bluematt204 followers1,727 tweets649 commits
96% match
avatar for manupadev


@manupadev825 followers1,814 tweets658 commits
96% match
avatar for jackmcdade

Jack McDade

@jackmcdade12,328 followers1,836 tweets756 commits
96% match