avatar for delba_oliveira
714 tweets
1,226 commits
Delba spends 37% of their time tweeting and 63% of their time coding
Delba and Dyskal are 96% compatible as cofounders
1,300 tweets
703 commits
avatar for dyskal
Dyskal spends 65% of their time tweeting and 35% of their time coding
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avatar for kiddo4lyf

Smith 🥀𝕏

@kiddo4lyf359 followers1,236 tweets707 commits
99% match
avatar for jamesnoria

James Noria

@jamesnoria39 followers1,211 tweets718 commits
99% match
avatar for spinfal


@spinfal62 followers1,235 tweets697 commits
99% match
avatar for crystall1nedev

Eva Luna

@crystall1nedev311 followers1,197 tweets713 commits
98% match
avatar for choltha

choltha - e/acc

@choltha183 followers1,202 tweets690 commits
98% match
avatar for marvinblach

Marvin Blach

@marvinblach736 followers1,161 tweets717 commits
96% match
avatar for vijaykv555

Vijay Kv

@vijaykv555489 followers1,281 tweets688 commits
96% match
avatar for dyskal


@dyskal88 followers1,300 tweets703 commits
96% match
avatar for ei_asamoah


@ei_asamoah615 followers1,214 tweets639 commits
96% match
avatar for realaliarain


@realaliarain185 followers1,148 tweets728 commits
95% match
avatar for virtual_horror


@virtual_horror57 followers1,165 tweets746 commits
95% match
avatar for gokilp_25

Gokil P

@gokilp_25223 followers1,234 tweets629 commits
95% match
avatar for micedre


@micedre62 followers1,207 tweets640 commits
95% match
avatar for bluecircle0


@bluecircle0194 followers1,212 tweets795 commits
95% match
avatar for newspicel


@newspicel434 followers1,146 tweets698 commits
95% match
avatar for nikhileth

Nikhil Pn

@nikhileth1,960 followers1,214 tweets806 commits
95% match