avatar for prakashdelwin
Delwin Prakash
249 tweets
138 commits
Delwin Prakash spends 64% of their time tweeting and 36% of their time coding
Delwin Prakash and Gerardo are 93% compatible as cofounders
137 tweets
275 commits
avatar for geramrico
Gerardo spends 33% of their time tweeting and 67% of their time coding
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avatar for abciobanu

Andrei-Bogdan Ciobanu

@abciobanu22 followers149 tweets247 commits
97% match
avatar for saltyspag

Salty Spaghetti

@saltyspag126 followers148 tweets245 commits
96% match
avatar for rubenglam


@rubenglam28 followers134 tweets239 commits
96% match
avatar for dhirtiman


@dhirtiman62 followers139 tweets228 commits
94% match
avatar for modernrails

Niklas Häusele

@modernrails282 followers159 tweets253 commits
94% match
avatar for 0xsy3

Sahil Wasnik

@0xsy3649 followers114 tweets251 commits
93% match
avatar for geramrico


@geramrico32 followers137 tweets275 commits
93% match
avatar for orkpeko


@orkpeko193 followers150 tweets234 commits
93% match
avatar for rockavoldy


@rockavoldy73 followers117 tweets255 commits
93% match
avatar for zzzev

Zev Youra

@zzzev337 followers147 tweets267 commits
93% match
avatar for jakoujan

EJ Rangel

@jakoujan42 followers128 tweets232 commits
93% match
avatar for ch00d4

Wilfredo González Carvajal

@ch00d421 followers129 tweets268 commits
93% match
avatar for guntaxd

Juan Diaz

@guntaxd15 followers144 tweets225 commits
92% match
avatar for j_69whiskey

Eric Ndivo

@j_69whiskey51 followers116 tweets239 commits
92% match
avatar for frandeldev


@frandeldev22 followers143 tweets222 commits
92% match
avatar for luisalbertoscz


@luisalbertoscz12 followers149 tweets228 commits
92% match