The best cofounder for Niaz is...

avatar for sadiq_moo
Mohamed Sadiq - محمد الصادق
avatar for der_neuere
1,458 tweets
5,513 commits
Niaz spends 21% of their time tweeting and 79% of their time coding
Niaz and Mohamed Sadiq - محمد الصادق are 98% compatible as cofounders
Mohamed Sadiq - محمد الصادق spends 80% of their time tweeting and 20% of their time coding
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avatar for keonehd

Keone Hon ⨀

@keonehd32,659 followers5,594 tweets1,496 commits
98% match
avatar for tristanbob

Tristan Rhodes

@tristanbob1,953 followers5,592 tweets1,532 commits
98% match
avatar for richardiii


@richardiii1,563 followers5,547 tweets1,598 commits
98% match
avatar for glennren

Glenn Ren

@glennren858 followers5,427 tweets1,367 commits
97% match
avatar for raghavio

Raghav 💉💉

@raghavio248 followers5,618 tweets1,554 commits
97% match
avatar for hrittikhere

Hrittik Roy

@hrittikhere4,176 followers5,457 tweets1,605 commits
97% match
avatar for thealexismorin

Alexis Morin

@thealexismorin455 followers5,371 tweets1,520 commits
97% match
avatar for abizareyhan


@abizareyhan74 followers5,442 tweets1,322 commits
97% match
avatar for bonndubz

xhyabunny. 🚽🧻

@bonndubz470 followers5,511 tweets1,680 commits
97% match
avatar for tcoolsit

Tom Cools

@tcoolsit2,095 followers5,603 tweets1,597 commits
97% match
avatar for hgulcu0


@hgulcu0694 followers5,740 tweets1,442 commits
97% match
avatar for aymericw

Aymeric Weinbach

@aymericw1,201 followers5,673 tweets1,374 commits
96% match
avatar for serious_mehta

Tanay Mehta

@serious_mehta6,678 followers5,553 tweets1,677 commits
96% match
avatar for trystan2k

Thiago 🏡

@trystan2k120 followers5,435 tweets1,260 commits
96% match
avatar for reimunotmoe

Reimu NotMoe 🖥️🛠️⚙️☕️🏙️🖖🖤🩶🤍💜

@reimunotmoe2,843 followers5,542 tweets1,205 commits
96% match