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Akshat Gupta
2,402 tweets
898 commits
Akshat Gupta spends 73% of their time tweeting and 27% of their time coding
Akshat Gupta and Nelson Sousa are 97% compatible as cofounders
Nelson Sousa
943 tweets
2,470 commits
avatar for nelsonprsousa
Nelson Sousa spends 28% of their time tweeting and 72% of their time coding
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avatar for 0xsakshi

Sakshi | girlgonoph.eth | .lens

@0xsakshi1,137 followers940 tweets2,405 commits
99% match
avatar for linaseervi

Anil Seervi

@linaseervi40 followers936 tweets2,410 commits
99% match
avatar for netnesanya

Net Nesanya

@netnesanya40 followers900 tweets2,465 commits
98% match
avatar for oicrruf

VΓ­ctor M. Reyes

@oicrruf270 followers889 tweets2,471 commits
98% match
avatar for gui_penedo

Guilherme Penedo

@gui_penedo2,818 followers805 tweets2,391 commits
97% match
avatar for keithamus

Keith Cirkel

@keithamus3,392 followers799 tweets2,394 commits
97% match
avatar for onlychans1

Eden Chan

@onlychans1888 followers919 tweets2,493 commits
97% match
avatar for nelsonprsousa

Nelson Sousa

@nelsonprsousa189 followers943 tweets2,470 commits
97% match
avatar for lambrospetrou

Lambros Petrou

@lambrospetrou693 followers923 tweets2,314 commits
97% match
avatar for alexcarliera

Alex Carlier

@alexcarliera7,897 followers1,001 tweets2,390 commits
97% match
avatar for einargudni


@einargudni431 followers896 tweets2,287 commits
96% match
avatar for litsharmaa

Lalit Sharma πŸš€πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

@litsharmaa234 followers874 tweets2,305 commits
96% match
avatar for sshamshi

Shaharyar Shamshi

@sshamshi181 followers984 tweets2,364 commits
96% match
avatar for shhdharmen

Dharmen Shah 😎

@shhdharmen486 followers774 tweets2,412 commits
96% match
avatar for tuxed

Aitor Roma

@tuxed649 followers951 tweets2,310 commits
96% match
avatar for sethpollack

Seth Pollack

@sethpollack149 followers794 tweets2,444 commits
96% match