avatar for dev_garg1
Dev Garg
76 tweets
138 commits
Dev Garg spends 36% of their time tweeting and 64% of their time coding
Dev Garg and Vitom are 90% compatible as cofounders
138 tweets
98 commits
avatar for vitomdev
Vitom spends 58% of their time tweeting and 42% of their time coding
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avatar for samwisecodes

Sam Norris-Rogers

@samwisecodes106 followers134 tweets77 commits
98% match
avatar for v_verma18

Vasu Verma

@v_verma1839 followers145 tweets72 commits
95% match
avatar for enigma__37

Aniket Singh

@enigma__3749 followers148 tweets72 commits
93% match
avatar for sugutt_


@sugutt_124 followers133 tweets87 commits
93% match
avatar for kankodu


@kankodu2,582 followers151 tweets81 commits
92% match
avatar for amsatrio


@amsatrio35 followers126 tweets68 commits
91% match
avatar for ignaseeo


@ignaseeo22 followers119 tweets78 commits
90% match
avatar for lakshaykalbhor


@lakshaykalbhor390 followers119 tweets73 commits
90% match
avatar for vitomdev


@vitomdev304 followers138 tweets98 commits
90% match
avatar for ujvaljoshi

Ujval Joshi

@ujvaljoshi550 followers132 tweets58 commits
89% match
avatar for thewilsonglobal

Wilson Pham

@thewilsonglobal24,542 followers156 tweets70 commits
89% match
avatar for shawnczek


@shawnczek683 followers120 tweets70 commits
89% match
avatar for vrukshalii_

Vrukshali Torawane

@vrukshalii_2,799 followers119 tweets82 commits
88% match
avatar for tkiller_fjbn


@tkiller_fjbn45 followers152 tweets64 commits
88% match
avatar for abhishekbrt

Abhishek Bharti

@abhishekbrt23 followers127 tweets61 commits
88% match
avatar for rafikidota

David Lesmes

@rafikidota85 followers160 tweets81 commits
87% match