avatar for dfst_io
84 tweets
2,855 commits
DFST spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
DFST and مبین are 98% compatible as cofounders
2,839 tweets
30 commits
avatar for mobnmohammadi
مبین spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
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avatar for richacosta06

Richard Acosta ™

@richacosta06903 followers2,855 tweets117 commits
99% match
avatar for wiggercomputer

⚡️ Duke

@wiggercomputer344 followers2,817 tweets101 commits
98% match
avatar for headmasterberny

Berny ⭐️🧙🏻‍♂️

@headmasterberny2,128 followers2,815 tweets64 commits
98% match
avatar for sourav_potbhare

Sourav Potbhare

@sourav_potbhare97 followers2,877 tweets42 commits
98% match
avatar for fabiensnauwaert

Fabien Snauwaert ؜ 🇫🇷🇺🇸 🇪🇸🇭🇺🇷🇺

@fabiensnauwaert1,780 followers2,796 tweets79 commits
98% match
avatar for ayertey01


@ayertey01571 followers2,887 tweets118 commits
98% match
avatar for mobnmohammadi


@mobnmohammadi782 followers2,839 tweets30 commits
98% match
avatar for pykpyky

Mary 🇪🇺 🇷🇴 🇫🇷 🐘

@pykpyky775 followers2,793 tweets75 commits
98% match
avatar for prabinb19

prabin 

@prabinb19226 followers2,876 tweets27 commits
97% match
avatar for _bood

bood ➡️ RC Mexico/Centro America/Caribe

@_bood156 followers2,845 tweets0 commits
97% match
avatar for uuladzislau

Vladislav baby don’t hurt me

@uuladzislau195 followers2,805 tweets129 commits
97% match
avatar for dwjorgeb

Jorge Batista (e/acc) 🛡️

@dwjorgeb275 followers2,788 tweets114 commits
97% match
avatar for tirrell

Zach Tirrell

@tirrell494 followers2,870 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for seenamakari


@seenamakari1,076 followers2,757 tweets86 commits
97% match
avatar for neddavies

Ned Davies

@neddavies680 followers2,911 tweets39 commits
97% match
avatar for rroughpatch

yuh - ves

@rroughpatch161 followers2,881 tweets4 commits
96% match