avatar for electricdaaluki
1,801 tweets
100 commits
Electric spends 95% of their time tweeting and 5% of their time coding
Electric and Ajay Sharma are 98% compatible as cofounders
Ajay Sharma
109 tweets
1,765 commits
avatar for ajaysharma12799
Ajay Sharma spends 6% of their time tweeting and 94% of their time coding
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avatar for ptrtht

Peter Toth

@ptrtht122 followers91 tweets1,800 commits
99% match
avatar for adalcodes


@adalcodes18 followers89 tweets1,803 commits
99% match
avatar for _tnixc


@_tnixc98 followers86 tweets1,806 commits
99% match
avatar for ochiengotieno11


@ochiengotieno11262 followers120 tweets1,804 commits
99% match
avatar for jonmmease

Jon Mease

@jonmmease901 followers79 tweets1,804 commits
99% match
avatar for braifz


@braifz281 followers95 tweets1,822 commits
99% match
avatar for rrrokhtar


@rrrokhtar82 followers88 tweets1,816 commits
99% match
avatar for bokarevs

Stefan Bokarev

@bokarevs199 followers119 tweets1,793 commits
99% match
avatar for hairunhuang

Run Builds

@hairunhuang30 followers98 tweets1,775 commits
99% match
avatar for felipeam86

Felipe Aguirre Martinez

@felipeam8684 followers118 tweets1,812 commits
98% match
avatar for offpepe

Jose Castro

@offpepe52 followers66 tweets1,801 commits
98% match
avatar for sandovalcarlosc

Carlos Sandoval

@sandovalcarlosc36 followers87 tweets1,779 commits
98% match
avatar for alaisteryoung

Alaister Young

@alaisteryoung461 followers56 tweets1,801 commits
98% match
avatar for ajaysharma12799

Ajay Sharma

@ajaysharma12799123 followers109 tweets1,765 commits
98% match
avatar for anunnak1an


@anunnak1an54 followers76 tweets1,824 commits
98% match
avatar for louisjoejordan

Louis Jordan

@louisjoejordan137 followers56 tweets1,805 commits
97% match