avatar for evayzh
eva (❖)
356 tweets
714 commits
eva (❖) spends 33% of their time tweeting and 67% of their time coding
eva (❖) and Yashwanth Sai are 93% compatible as cofounders
Yashwanth Sai
775 tweets
373 commits
avatar for yasshu55
Yashwanth Sai spends 68% of their time tweeting and 32% of their time coding
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avatar for hidayattaufiqur

hidayat taufiqur

@hidayattaufiqur49 followers730 tweets355 commits
98% match
avatar for sudiarth


@sudiarth75 followers699 tweets341 commits
97% match
avatar for joshtriedcoding

Josh tried coding

@joshtriedcoding10,753 followers724 tweets331 commits
97% match
avatar for johnowhitaker

Jonathan Whitaker

@johnowhitaker7,295 followers693 tweets342 commits
97% match
avatar for brandonzane


@brandonzane1,217 followers700 tweets333 commits
97% match
avatar for ainfadzil123


@ainfadzil12324 followers676 tweets367 commits
95% match
avatar for steve8708

Steve (Builder.io)

@steve870887,613 followers758 tweets361 commits
95% match
avatar for lolzyfurr


@lolzyfurr712 followers674 tweets343 commits
95% match
avatar for sarpersoher

Sarper Şoher

@sarpersoher385 followers717 tweets407 commits
95% match
avatar for thevrn21

K V Varun Krishnan

@thevrn21259 followers733 tweets391 commits
95% match
avatar for miike7_

Miike 

@miike7_168 followers771 tweets354 commits
94% match
avatar for qamarsafadi

Qamar A. Safadi

@qamarsafadi1,048 followers765 tweets370 commits
94% match
avatar for 123stbn

Esteban Dávalos

@123stbn166 followers712 tweets287 commits
93% match
avatar for grizzledev


@grizzledev57 followers736 tweets408 commits
93% match
avatar for yasshu55

Yashwanth Sai

@yasshu55152 followers775 tweets373 commits
93% match
avatar for andywarrior07

Andy Guerrero 🧙‍♂️

@andywarrior0750 followers728 tweets421 commits
93% match