avatar for hanzxtf
Hanz 🎲
113 tweets
2,229 commits
Hanz 🎲 spends 5% of their time tweeting and 95% of their time coding
Hanz 🎲 and Craig Aucutt are 99% compatible as cofounders
Craig Aucutt
2,224 tweets
106 commits
avatar for caidentity
Craig Aucutt spends 95% of their time tweeting and 5% of their time coding
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avatar for mexzziv


@mexzziv151 followers2,224 tweets113 commits
100% match
avatar for caidentity

Craig Aucutt

@caidentity657 followers2,224 tweets106 commits
99% match
avatar for fingersofgods

Andrew.json 𖤍

@fingersofgods2,060 followers2,272 tweets95 commits
97% match
avatar for mesnhl

Snehil Saluja

@mesnhl842 followers2,180 tweets101 commits
97% match
avatar for zeusgd19


@zeusgd1943 followers2,284 tweets133 commits
97% match
avatar for zimm3rmann

Michael Zimmermann

@zimm3rmann3,572 followers2,249 tweets51 commits
96% match
avatar for sithisctf


@sithisctf220 followers2,309 tweets106 commits
96% match
avatar for dklima


@dklima108 followers2,314 tweets110 commits
96% match
avatar for zimasilevuyo

Joburg Gone Boy

@zimasilevuyo56 followers2,161 tweets92 commits
96% match
avatar for theflagen430297

TheFlagen430297 🇺🇸🇮🇱

@theflagen43029757 followers2,300 tweets132 commits
96% match
avatar for d7g_x

dullx.js | مبرمج 👨‍💻

@d7g_x976 followers2,296 tweets87 commits
96% match
avatar for wuddke


@wuddke90 followers2,139 tweets118 commits
96% match
avatar for gi0nyx


@gi0nyx1,120 followers2,329 tweets116 commits
96% match
avatar for othnielee

Stephen Lee

@othnielee26 followers2,239 tweets18 commits
96% match
avatar for liamblizard


@liamblizard525 followers2,142 tweets94 commits
95% match
avatar for maybemarhs


@maybemarhs15,510 followers2,284 tweets59 commits
95% match