avatar for grizzledev
736 tweets
408 commits
Grizzle spends 64% of their time tweeting and 36% of their time coding
Grizzle and Bruno Santos are 96% compatible as cofounders
Bruno Santos
366 tweets
738 commits
avatar for brunojs02
Bruno Santos spends 33% of their time tweeting and 67% of their time coding
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avatar for martinmouly


@martinmouly110 followers404 tweets750 commits
98% match
avatar for gaurabkhanal14

Gaurab Khanal

@gaurabkhanal1479 followers410 tweets717 commits
98% match
avatar for zxcodes

Mohammed Farmaan.

@zxcodes121 followers435 tweets733 commits
97% match
avatar for chahal__tanu

Tanu Chahal

@chahal__tanu203 followers436 tweets741 commits
97% match
avatar for tylerjmorg

Tyler Morgan

@tylerjmorg38 followers380 tweets744 commits
97% match
avatar for dubroy

Patrick Dubroy

@dubroy2,309 followers420 tweets764 commits
97% match
avatar for brunojs02

Bruno Santos

@brunojs0248 followers366 tweets738 commits
96% match
avatar for himanhacks

himanshu 🧃

@himanhacks170 followers415 tweets773 commits
96% match
avatar for krakendev

Hector Matos 🇵🇷🇪🇨

@krakendev4,089 followers417 tweets701 commits
96% match
avatar for lucasmallmann76

Lucas Mallmann

@lucasmallmann76153 followers425 tweets765 commits
96% match
avatar for ritiksharmarj

Ritik Sharma

@ritiksharmarj127 followers425 tweets767 commits
96% match
avatar for _sgrodriguez


@_sgrodriguez39 followers430 tweets762 commits
96% match
avatar for vailorium


@vailorium5 followers408 tweets785 commits
96% match
avatar for iwahabshaikh

Wahab Shaikh

@iwahabshaikh391 followers440 tweets757 commits
95% match
avatar for sargon_64_


@sargon_64_93 followers356 tweets737 commits
95% match
avatar for padsalatushal

Tushal Padsala

@padsalatushal982 followers386 tweets769 commits
95% match