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goro ⚡️
472 tweets
2,862 commits
goro ⚡️ spends 14% of their time tweeting and 86% of their time coding
goro ⚡️ and Yashpreet Singh  are 97% compatible as cofounders
Yashpreet Singh 
2,900 tweets
419 commits
avatar for yashpreet2707
Yashpreet Singh  spends 87% of their time tweeting and 13% of their time coding
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avatar for colthedeveloper

Aremu Olakunle Umaru

@colthedeveloper805 followers2,867 tweets418 commits
98% match
avatar for ansgrb

Anas Ghareib

@ansgrb72 followers2,916 tweets501 commits
98% match
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@pepiuox90 followers2,844 tweets405 commits
97% match
avatar for amitbiswas0104

Amit Biswas 🧑🏻‍💻

@amitbiswas0104557 followers2,856 tweets553 commits
97% match
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@afutured2,212 followers2,880 tweets400 commits
97% match
avatar for yashpreet2707

Yashpreet Singh 

@yashpreet2707625 followers2,900 tweets419 commits
97% match
avatar for mainick

Maico Orazio

@mainick280 followers2,852 tweets386 commits
97% match
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Gareth Hall

@gbhall561 followers2,828 tweets535 commits
97% match
avatar for naklecha


@naklecha8,636 followers2,907 tweets417 commits
97% match
avatar for 3liud


@3liud181 followers2,849 tweets385 commits
97% match
avatar for fatdawlf


@fatdawlf549 followers2,880 tweets368 commits
96% match
avatar for jovidec

jovi 🐨

@jovidec1,683 followers2,764 tweets496 commits
96% match
avatar for m_puchalla

marcus.puchalla 🕊️🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺

@m_puchalla661 followers2,880 tweets366 commits
96% match
avatar for paul_asjes

Paul Asjes

@paul_asjes1,006 followers2,865 tweets347 commits
96% match
avatar for sevcak


@sevcak92 followers2,752 tweets454 commits
96% match
avatar for themkmaker

Abhishek from Youform

@themkmaker3,019 followers2,872 tweets593 commits
96% match