The best cofounder for Gourav Chaudhary is...

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avatar for gouravv_c
Gourav Chaudhary
1,182 tweets
1,167 commits
Gourav Chaudhary spends 50% of their time tweeting and 50% of their time coding
Gourav Chaudhary and //0xAjiboye🦀 are 99% compatible as cofounders
1,154 tweets
1,175 commits
avatar for boldrack
//0xAjiboye🦀 spends 50% of their time tweeting and 50% of their time coding
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@mo__javad1,693 followers1,196 tweets1,183 commits
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Tejas Kumthekar

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@user64bit54 followers1,177 tweets1,084 commits
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256er ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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95% match
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François Farquet

@ffarquet706 followers1,199 tweets1,268 commits
95% match
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Morc |

@morciatka146 followers1,050 tweets1,191 commits
95% match