avatar for itswhoissane
Husain Bhagat
5,153 tweets
903 commits
Husain Bhagat spends 85% of their time tweeting and 15% of their time coding
Husain Bhagat and Keiler Guardo are 98% compatible as cofounders
Keiler Guardo
806 tweets
5,179 commits
avatar for reliek21
Keiler Guardo spends 13% of their time tweeting and 87% of their time coding
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avatar for hyetigran


@hyetigran214 followers908 tweets5,067 commits
98% match
avatar for reliek21

Keiler Guardo

@reliek2151 followers806 tweets5,179 commits
98% match
avatar for justplayerde


@justplayerde103 followers825 tweets5,102 commits
98% match
avatar for bsn4_


@bsn4_254 followers1,008 tweets5,126 commits
98% match
avatar for manuelduarte077

Don Manuel Duarte 🇳🇮 💙 

@manuelduarte077139 followers933 tweets5,044 commits
98% match
avatar for razorbelle

Sophia Andren

@razorbelle933 followers816 tweets5,217 commits
98% match
avatar for tjvonbr

Trevor Von Bruenchenhein

@tjvonbr242 followers853 tweets5,270 commits
97% match
avatar for joesanchezjr

Joe ✨

@joesanchezjr259 followers851 tweets5,270 commits
97% match
avatar for louzell_

Lou Zell

@louzell_282 followers766 tweets5,114 commits
97% match
avatar for ljchuello

Leonardo Chuello

@ljchuello171 followers993 tweets5,247 commits
97% match
avatar for gnumarcelo


@gnumarcelo103 followers1,077 tweets5,163 commits
97% match
avatar for iggyzuk


@iggyzuk292 followers756 tweets5,104 commits
97% match
avatar for bonstine

Bonnie Simon

@bonstine166 followers1,077 tweets5,130 commits
97% match
avatar for 0xteddav


@0xteddav925 followers769 tweets5,217 commits
97% match
avatar for santigarcor

Santiago García

@santigarcor168 followers836 tweets5,284 commits
97% match
avatar for dproi

Devon Peticolas

@dproi399 followers1,096 tweets5,161 commits
97% match