avatar for imanpad
14,766 tweets
3,034 commits
imun spends 83% of their time tweeting and 17% of their time coding
imun and Ray are 95% compatible as cofounders
3,680 tweets
14,539 commits
avatar for raysan5
Ray spends 20% of their time tweeting and 80% of their time coding
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avatar for eldadfux

Eldad A. Fux

@eldadfux30,139 followers3,201 tweets14,707 commits
99% match
avatar for lwcooper

Lance Cooper

@lwcooper475 followers3,164 tweets14,874 commits
99% match
avatar for hermanschutte


@hermanschutte2,097 followers3,141 tweets14,988 commits
98% match
avatar for fujikawachiai


@fujikawachiai73,675 followers3,121 tweets15,019 commits
98% match
avatar for marcelc63


@marcelc632,930 followers2,921 tweets15,018 commits
98% match
avatar for pajlada


@pajlada6,289 followers2,954 tweets15,158 commits
97% match
avatar for _garretthughes

Garrett Hughes

@_garretthughes4,187 followers3,182 tweets15,189 commits
97% match
avatar for rlopzc

Romario López

@rlopzc421 followers3,325 tweets14,466 commits
97% match
avatar for hardbyte_nz

Brian Thorne

@hardbyte_nz576 followers3,264 tweets15,128 commits
97% match
avatar for toniengelhardt


@toniengelhardt311 followers2,551 tweets14,923 commits
96% match
avatar for etimesg

Erick Galassi

@etimesg100 followers2,458 tweets14,668 commits
96% match
avatar for balazsorban44

Balázs Orbán

@balazsorban444,328 followers3,733 tweets14,745 commits
96% match
avatar for raysan5


@raysan511,898 followers3,680 tweets14,539 commits
95% match
avatar for douglasdemoura

Douglas de Moura

@douglasdemoura560 followers3,838 tweets14,854 commits
95% match
avatar for olivierbuffon

Olivier Buffon

@olivierbuffon195 followers3,117 tweets15,605 commits
95% match
avatar for jsifalda

George Sifalda 💭🔥

@jsifalda496 followers3,257 tweets14,050 commits
95% match