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mateO(log n)
8,379 tweets
95 commits
mateO(log n) spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
mateO(log n) and Nate Wright are 98% compatible as cofounders
Nate Wright
20 tweets
8,437 commits
avatar for natew
Nate Wright spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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avatar for renatojobal


@renatojobal41 followers100 tweets8,379 commits
100% match
avatar for adamtyler

Adam Riley

@adamtyler19 followers74 tweets8,425 commits
99% match
avatar for czaas

Cameron Zaas

@czaas1 followers51 tweets8,354 commits
99% match
avatar for uimatt

Matt ✨ UI

@uimatt56 followers52 tweets8,427 commits
99% match
avatar for phojiee

Phojie Rengel 🚧

@phojiee44 followers151 tweets8,332 commits
99% match
avatar for reynico


@reynico941 followers17 tweets8,418 commits
99% match
avatar for natew

Nate Wright

@natew661 followers20 tweets8,437 commits
98% match
avatar for lazarv1982

Viktor Lázár

@lazarv198215 followers49 tweets8,468 commits
98% match
avatar for thomashoneyman


@thomashoneyman437 followers3 tweets8,332 commits
98% match
avatar for haydn_ewers

Haydn Ewers

@haydn_ewers194 followers237 tweets8,366 commits
98% match
avatar for thekylemontag


@thekylemontag31 followers10 tweets8,451 commits
98% match
avatar for yshalsager


@yshalsager415 followers115 tweets8,529 commits
98% match
avatar for rajaniraiyn

Rajaniraiyn R

@rajaniraiyn30 followers228 tweets8,417 commits
98% match
avatar for jaenfigueroa_

Jaen Figueroa Llampi

@jaenfigueroa_408 followers11 tweets8,281 commits
98% match
avatar for alestiago3

Alejandro Santiago 💙🦄

@alestiago3466 followers177 tweets8,485 commits
98% match
avatar for domgoodwin

Dominic Goodwin

@domgoodwin2 followers4 tweets8,281 commits
98% match