avatar for jain_samyak15
Samyak Jain
89 tweets
670 commits
Samyak Jain spends 12% of their time tweeting and 88% of their time coding
Samyak Jain and utq are 94% compatible as cofounders
708 tweets
95 commits
avatar for akkasayaz
utq spends 88% of their time tweeting and 12% of their time coding
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David Zechmeister

@davidzechm473 followers682 tweets96 commits
97% match
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Xavier Pena

@xavipena41 followers663 tweets74 commits
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@eduarx2434 followers650 tweets96 commits
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sravan s nair

@livelysravan279 followers659 tweets70 commits
96% match
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Arpan Sethi🇮🇳

@thearpansethi500 followers691 tweets100 commits
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Isheunesu Tembo

@isheunesutembo982 followers681 tweets66 commits
96% match
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Farhan Ahmed

@pingfarhan226 followers680 tweets63 commits
95% match
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Ryley Randall

@ryleyrandall22875 followers678 tweets61 commits
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@ujsquared63 followers639 tweets96 commits
95% match
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@nimagholamy518 followers696 tweets102 commits
95% match
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Wilfredo Suarez

@wilfredojsr94 followers701 tweets78 commits
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@siphixx95 followers636 tweets81 commits
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Mustafa Kipergil

@kipergil496 followers712 tweets87 commits
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@akkasayaz47 followers708 tweets95 commits
94% match
avatar for pav5000


@pav50005 followers631 tweets96 commits
94% match
avatar for mrmiguetara

Miguel Alejandro

@mrmiguetara99 followers636 tweets102 commits
94% match