The best cofounder for Jakub Jezek is...

avatar for michaelcyger
Michael Cyger
avatar for jakubjezek3
Jakub Jezek
98 tweets
11,913 commits
Jakub Jezek spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
Jakub Jezek and Michael Cyger are 99% compatible as cofounders
Michael Cyger
11,861 tweets
107 commits
avatar for michaelcyger
Michael Cyger spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
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πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» πŸ–₯️ Bilgehan KAMBER πŸ–₯️ πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

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