avatar for its_jamir2412
Jamir Ahmed
50 tweets
77 commits
Jamir Ahmed spends 39% of their time tweeting and 61% of their time coding
Jamir Ahmed and Ambuj Kumar are 91% compatible as cofounders
Ambuj Kumar
79 tweets
59 commits
avatar for ambujkumar22
Ambuj Kumar spends 57% of their time tweeting and 43% of their time coding
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avatar for abd_ellhay

Mohamed Abdellhay

@abd_ellhay21 followers69 tweets51 commits
93% match
avatar for hackeye3


@hackeye38 followers80 tweets43 commits
92% match
avatar for brvnd0nl

@brvnd0nl30 followers79 tweets42 commits
92% match
avatar for ambujkumar22

Ambuj Kumar

@ambujkumar223 followers79 tweets59 commits
91% match
avatar for fjsanzano

Fidel Jiménez Sanzano

@fjsanzano21 followers70 tweets46 commits
91% match
avatar for dhiyazhar


@dhiyazhar40 followers74 tweets58 commits
91% match
avatar for larrybekchyan

Larry Bekchyan

@larrybekchyan661 followers87 tweets51 commits
91% match
avatar for s0litudeizbliss


@s0litudeizbliss80 followers70 tweets45 commits
91% match
avatar for shivvor2


@shivvor267 followers77 tweets38 commits
91% match
avatar for rafang2206

Crypto Rafa

@rafang220633 followers81 tweets59 commits
90% match
avatar for fayaz0_


@fayaz0_88 followers84 tweets44 commits
90% match
avatar for eclk1616

Emre Çolak

@eclk161635 followers68 tweets55 commits
89% match
avatar for atarikcaliskan

Tarık Çalışkan

@atarikcaliskan97 followers79 tweets38 commits
89% match
avatar for adityaraj4400

Aditya Raj

@adityaraj440051 followers75 tweets38 commits
89% match
avatar for tamflikk

Alejandro Tamayo Hornsby

@tamflikk22 followers65 tweets48 commits
89% match
avatar for josepolancoe

José Andrés Polanco

@josepolancoe28 followers70 tweets43 commits
89% match