avatar for josancamon
Joan Cabezas
11 tweets
10,538 commits
Joan Cabezas spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
Joan Cabezas and Martin Fowler are 99% compatible as cofounders
Martin Fowler
10,633 tweets
7 commits
avatar for martinfowler
Martin Fowler spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for thomknepper

Thom Knepper 汤姆

@thomknepper756 followers10,531 tweets3 commits
100% match
avatar for osouzajefferson


@osouzajefferson1,175 followers10,561 tweets17 commits
100% match
avatar for hafizvonpj

der Hafız aus 🇲🇾

@hafizvonpj653 followers10,512 tweets27 commits
100% match
avatar for erickwendel_

Erick Wendel

@erickwendel_30,886 followers10,569 tweets0 commits
100% match
avatar for thmaser


@thmaser434 followers10,578 tweets6 commits
100% match
avatar for shreyassanthu77

Shreyas mididoddi

@shreyassanthu77370 followers10,602 tweets0 commits
99% match
avatar for isnakhairi


@isnakhairi309 followers10,614 tweets6 commits
99% match
avatar for martinfowler

Martin Fowler

@martinfowler355,349 followers10,633 tweets7 commits
99% match
avatar for albilaga


@albilaga386 followers10,662 tweets0 commits
99% match
avatar for 0lhalvo


@0lhalvo515 followers10,619 tweets72 commits
99% match
avatar for andersbocanegra

Anders Bocanegra

@andersbocanegra195 followers10,387 tweets13 commits
99% match
avatar for violettance

mary - e/acc

@violettance272 followers10,540 tweets194 commits
98% match
avatar for banterlytics


@banterlytics2,964 followers10,450 tweets111 commits
98% match
avatar for darwinskii

Darwin Mendoza

@darwinskii153 followers10,752 tweets10 commits
98% match
avatar for raymundoycaza

Raymundo Ycaza M.

@raymundoycaza766 followers10,644 tweets130 commits
98% match
avatar for ncresq

Bengaluru man

@ncresq5,122 followers10,325 tweets26 commits
98% match