avatar for juliannotdev
Julian Ardila
164 tweets
386 commits
Julian Ardila spends 30% of their time tweeting and 70% of their time coding
Julian Ardila and Sindhoor Tilak are 94% compatible as cofounders
Sindhoor Tilak
417 tweets
163 commits
avatar for sin9yt
Sindhoor Tilak spends 72% of their time tweeting and 28% of their time coding
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avatar for kiyo9w


@kiyo9w13 followers365 tweets167 commits
96% match
avatar for keepstupids


@keepstupids15 followers362 tweets165 commits
95% match
avatar for pastelle_x64


@pastelle_x64272 followers360 tweets165 commits
95% match
avatar for 0xnonso


@0xnonso118 followers410 tweets167 commits
95% match
avatar for sandipankundu42

Sandipan Kundu 🛠

@sandipankundu422,724 followers395 tweets183 commits
95% match
avatar for saspal02

Saswat Pal

@saspal0223 followers370 tweets152 commits
95% match
avatar for ayush_046


@ayush_04689 followers378 tweets187 commits
94% match
avatar for chhornponleu

Chhorn Ponleu

@chhornponleu25 followers375 tweets185 commits
94% match
avatar for sin9yt

Sindhoor Tilak

@sin9yt467 followers417 tweets163 commits
94% match
avatar for marvkare


@marvkare35 followers412 tweets153 commits
93% match
avatar for dacksokel


@dacksokel83 followers390 tweets198 commits
93% match
avatar for debuggingdan


@debuggingdan60 followers355 tweets172 commits
93% match
avatar for jassozng


@jassozng21 followers387 tweets126 commits
93% match
avatar for computerbread

Computer Bread

@computerbread45 followers403 tweets187 commits
93% match
avatar for rushikesh55578

Rushi _Kadam

@rushikesh55578112 followers359 tweets177 commits
93% match
avatar for suryansh777777

Suryansh Chourasia

@suryansh777777488 followers347 tweets165 commits
93% match