The best cofounder for Julien Delort is...

avatar for _navierstokes
Navier Stokes ( e/acc )
avatar for julien_delort
Julien Delort
459 tweets
463 commits
Julien Delort spends 50% of their time tweeting and 50% of their time coding
Julien Delort and Navier Stokes ( e/acc ) are 99% compatible as cofounders
Navier Stokes ( e/acc ) spends 51% of their time tweeting and 49% of their time coding
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avatar for rayyan21d


@rayyan21d108 followers476 tweets459 commits
99% match
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@iyustlop46 followers451 tweets458 commits
99% match
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@nishacid1,275 followers473 tweets463 commits
98% match
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Apoorv Kansal

@quacky_batak293 followers455 tweets453 commits
98% match
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Andrej ๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿ”Š

@andrej_dev2,044 followers474 tweets466 commits
98% match
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Reynaldo ph

@darkdeymon49 followers477 tweets470 commits
97% match
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@hernagusdev250 followers474 tweets443 commits
97% match
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kuda Siziva

@brysiz1,166 followers471 tweets435 commits
97% match
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@rvorias1,631 followers442 tweets448 commits
97% match
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Akshay Babbar

@akshaybabbar1266 followers485 tweets447 commits
96% match
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David Garcia

@david_garciado153 followers470 tweets504 commits
94% match
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Pranshu Barar

@pranshubarar1657 followers516 tweets459 commits
94% match
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Arjun Mahishi

@arjunmahishi407 followers420 tweets445 commits
94% match
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Oxy | Sylve

@kikar4u65 followers425 tweets438 commits
94% match
avatar for 0xbkoshy


@0xbkoshy206 followers445 tweets415 commits
93% match