avatar for andreas_naegeli
Andreas Nägeli
3,418 tweets
1,815 commits
Andreas Nägeli spends 65% of their time tweeting and 35% of their time coding
Andreas Nägeli and Xing Han Lu are 96% compatible as cofounders
Xing Han Lu
1,722 tweets
3,521 commits
avatar for xhluca
Xing Han Lu spends 33% of their time tweeting and 67% of their time coding
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avatar for fractaledmind

Stephen Margheim

@fractaledmind2,076 followers1,826 tweets3,358 commits
99% match
avatar for koossaayy


@koossaayy253 followers1,839 tweets3,355 commits
98% match
avatar for simplysabir_

Sabir Khan

@simplysabir_345 followers1,829 tweets3,343 commits
98% match
avatar for diegoasanch

Diego Sánchez

@diegoasanch330 followers1,826 tweets3,313 commits
98% match
avatar for mieldonkers

Miel Donkers

@mieldonkers261 followers1,808 tweets3,551 commits
97% match
avatar for makindajack

Chalii wa UX/UI

@makindajack860 followers1,949 tweets3,408 commits
97% match
avatar for soul_wish

Sergii Lysenko

@soul_wish169 followers1,741 tweets3,336 commits
97% match
avatar for gantoreno

Gabriel Moreno

@gantoreno91 followers1,705 tweets3,471 commits
97% match
avatar for ajitid


@ajitid67 followers1,660 tweets3,426 commits
97% match
avatar for akunbeben

Ben 🇵🇸

@akunbeben606 followers1,674 tweets3,444 commits
97% match
avatar for cruggdev


@cruggdev176 followers1,794 tweets3,267 commits
97% match
avatar for franknfjr

Just Frank

@franknfjr126 followers1,979 tweets3,409 commits
97% match
avatar for preetsuthar17

Preet 𝕏

@preetsuthar17322 followers1,784 tweets3,275 commits
97% match
avatar for k0va1_

Alex Koval 🇺🇦

@k0va1_139 followers1,916 tweets3,340 commits
97% match
avatar for nivekreets

Kevin Steer

@nivekreets145 followers1,632 tweets3,412 commits
96% match
avatar for xhluca

Xing Han Lu

@xhluca1,402 followers1,722 tweets3,521 commits
96% match