avatar for linguinelabs
1,362 tweets
1,693 commits
Kevin spends 45% of their time tweeting and 55% of their time coding
Kevin and Getter Sethya are 98% compatible as cofounders
Getter Sethya
1,680 tweets
1,308 commits
avatar for gettersethya
Getter Sethya spends 56% of their time tweeting and 44% of their time coding
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avatar for kosinersky

Sky Kosiner

@kosinersky126 followers1,691 tweets1,360 commits
100% match
avatar for danyalasif_


@danyalasif_133 followers1,704 tweets1,371 commits
99% match
avatar for dhevine_0x


@dhevine_0x233 followers1,729 tweets1,339 commits
98% match
avatar for jesserc_

Jesse Raymond

@jesserc_952 followers1,756 tweets1,362 commits
98% match
avatar for gettersethya

Getter Sethya

@gettersethya102 followers1,680 tweets1,308 commits
98% match
avatar for dompehbright


@dompehbright253 followers1,765 tweets1,354 commits
97% match
avatar for supernovahs444


@supernovahs444596 followers1,682 tweets1,434 commits
97% match
avatar for bluuweb

🍎 youtube.com/bluuweb

@bluuweb2,853 followers1,710 tweets1,293 commits
97% match
avatar for _amos_kyalo

Amos Kyalo 𝕏

@_amos_kyalo4,652 followers1,736 tweets1,405 commits
97% match
avatar for codehagen


@codehagen3,459 followers1,728 tweets1,432 commits
97% match
avatar for idealadarshk

Adarsh 🚀

@idealadarshk116 followers1,724 tweets1,284 commits
96% match
avatar for _yashkarthik

yash karthik

@_yashkarthik1,134 followers1,752 tweets1,418 commits
96% match
avatar for bkrish_

Bipin Krishnan

@bkrish_272 followers1,732 tweets1,438 commits
96% match
avatar for rejschaap

Robert Schaap

@rejschaap256 followers1,572 tweets1,358 commits
96% match
avatar for chadmcrowell

Chad M. Crowell

@chadmcrowell1,871 followers1,747 tweets1,278 commits
95% match
avatar for scarvite


@scarvite119 followers1,664 tweets1,482 commits
95% match