avatar for india_kunj
23,304 tweets
604 commits
KUNJ SHAH spends 97% of their time tweeting and 3% of their time coding
KUNJ SHAH and Rob Cameron are 99% compatible as cofounders
Rob Cameron
751 tweets
23,240 commits
avatar for cannikin
Rob Cameron spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
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avatar for phndiaye

Philippe Ndiaye

@phndiaye96 followers578 tweets23,435 commits
99% match
avatar for nicklasos


@nicklasos166 followers756 tweets23,351 commits
99% match
avatar for cannikin

Rob Cameron

@cannikin914 followers751 tweets23,240 commits
99% match
avatar for shivamjoker


@shivamjoker217 followers837 tweets23,261 commits
99% match
avatar for chfast

Paweł Bylica

@chfast1,316 followers632 tweets23,554 commits
99% match
avatar for mattsse_

Matthias Seitz

@mattsse_2,050 followers151 tweets23,213 commits
98% match
avatar for imyour_universe

Jagad Yudha Awali

@imyour_universe1,002 followers882 tweets23,581 commits
98% match
avatar for robbtraister

Robb Traister

@robbtraister108 followers930 tweets23,007 commits
97% match
avatar for disolaterx

Kartik Yadav

@disolaterx30 followers889 tweets22,955 commits
97% match
avatar for chneau

Charles Neau

@chneau42 followers7 tweets23,394 commits
97% match
avatar for abcprintf

Mix Abcprintf

@abcprintf50 followers48 tweets23,452 commits
97% match
avatar for arnaudweyts

Arnaud Weyts

@arnaudweyts105 followers583 tweets22,620 commits
97% match
avatar for rofrol

Roman Frołow

@rofrol82 followers1,332 tweets23,324 commits
97% match
avatar for ahmet_imamoglu

Ahmet İmamoğlu

@ahmet_imamoglu117 followers774 tweets23,928 commits
97% match
avatar for itspeterday

Peter Day

@itspeterday147 followers1,270 tweets23,174 commits
97% match
avatar for dracos

Matthew Somerville

@dracos3,916 followers1,379 tweets23,349 commits
97% match