avatar for mohitparmar1_
Mohit Parmar
735 tweets
785 commits
Mohit Parmar spends 48% of their time tweeting and 52% of their time coding
Mohit Parmar and Danny 🦣 are 97% compatible as cofounders
Danny 🦣
806 tweets
708 commits
avatar for etodanik
Danny 🦣 spends 53% of their time tweeting and 47% of their time coding
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avatar for _tgujar

Tanmay Gujar

@_tgujar121 followers787 tweets741 commits
99% match
avatar for okkothejawa


@okkothejawa971 followers773 tweets747 commits
98% match
avatar for im_gxbe


@im_gxbe108 followers773 tweets760 commits
98% match
avatar for hector_rdez


@hector_rdez40 followers799 tweets711 commits
98% match
avatar for tukyowave


@tukyowave301 followers790 tweets769 commits
97% match
avatar for etodanik

Danny 🦣

@etodanik1,406 followers806 tweets708 commits
97% match
avatar for pbshgthm


@pbshgthm410 followers752 tweets751 commits
97% match
avatar for onurhan1337


@onurhan1337379 followers802 tweets769 commits
97% match
avatar for jkohlbach

Josh Kohlbach

@jkohlbach1,113 followers784 tweets794 commits
96% match
avatar for ramithks

Ramith K S

@ramithks66 followers842 tweets740 commits
96% match
avatar for th30z

Matteo Bertozzi

@th30z218 followers764 tweets777 commits
96% match
avatar for gokaygurcan

Gökay Gürcan

@gokaygurcan844 followers794 tweets676 commits
96% match
avatar for 0x_shailesh

Shailesh K

@0x_shailesh958 followers811 tweets693 commits
96% match
avatar for soverycuul


@soverycuul76 followers784 tweets802 commits
96% match
avatar for carlosegc1727

Carlos E. González C.

@carlosegc1727117 followers783 tweets804 commits
95% match
avatar for mliversage

Martin Liversage

@mliversage281 followers758 tweets780 commits
95% match