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Naitik Sharma
9,790 tweets
39 commits
Naitik Sharma spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
Naitik Sharma and Cem Kıray are 99% compatible as cofounders
Cem Kıray
9 tweets
9,747 commits
avatar for jamcry
Cem Kıray spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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avatar for conradlang

Conrad Lang

@conradlang54 followers36 tweets9,811 commits
100% match
avatar for 987nabil

Nabil Abdel-Hafeez

@987nabil6 followers29 tweets9,805 commits
100% match
avatar for vishalkuo

Vishal Kuo

@vishalkuo754 followers42 tweets9,823 commits
100% match
avatar for amirjani

mahdi amirjani marvi

@amirjani9 followers2 tweets9,793 commits
100% match
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Adam Watkins

@wtkns_86 followers17 tweets9,760 commits
99% match
avatar for juriadams


@juriadams88 followers67 tweets9,821 commits
99% match
avatar for jamcry

Cem Kıray

@jamcry27 followers9 tweets9,747 commits
99% match
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@nirs11 followers1 tweets9,843 commits
99% match
avatar for sparten11740

Jan Wendland

@sparten1174010 followers2 tweets9,851 commits
99% match
avatar for arihantdaga

Arihant Daga

@arihantdaga6 followers4 tweets9,725 commits
99% match
avatar for elongli

Elon Gliksberg

@elongli377 followers29 tweets9,882 commits
99% match
avatar for probablyrobert


@probablyrobert143 followers97 tweets9,706 commits
99% match
avatar for urban_lobster

Srujan Gurram

@urban_lobster99 followers188 tweets9,791 commits
98% match
avatar for danielrudn

Daniel Rudnitski

@danielrudn133 followers40 tweets9,618 commits
98% match
avatar for pdet


@pdet2 followers0 tweets9,930 commits
98% match
avatar for krisnova

Kris Nóva

@krisnova25,209 followers43 tweets9,590 commits
98% match