avatar for ncklcs
646 tweets
1,005 commits
Nick spends 39% of their time tweeting and 61% of their time coding
Nick and Thyago Vinicius are 98% compatible as cofounders
Thyago Vinicius
995 tweets
667 commits
avatar for thyvini
Thyago Vinicius spends 60% of their time tweeting and 40% of their time coding
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avatar for anshumancdx

Anshuman Praharaj

@anshumancdx76 followers1,017 tweets636 commits
99% match
avatar for frbuccoliero

Francesco Buccoliero

@frbuccoliero186 followers987 tweets639 commits
98% match
avatar for thyvini

Thyago Vinicius

@thyvini105 followers995 tweets667 commits
98% match
avatar for thorwebdev

Thor 雷神 ⚡️

@thorwebdev5,286 followers972 tweets641 commits
98% match
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Nidhi Nupur

@i_nidhinupur453 followers1,037 tweets653 commits
98% match
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Dean Tribble

@deantribble4,372 followers1,048 tweets645 commits
97% match
avatar for mohamma59305726

Mohammad Harish

@mohamma59305726715 followers1,051 tweets640 commits
97% match
avatar for wolderado


@wolderado292 followers954 tweets649 commits
97% match
avatar for useffathydev

Y O U S E F💻

@useffathydev372 followers986 tweets681 commits
97% match
avatar for imd_jiban

Kenshin Himura

@imd_jiban25 followers1,034 tweets620 commits
97% match
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@erfan_rfmhr150 followers1,023 tweets609 commits
97% match
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@mondei1139 followers1,001 tweets698 commits
97% match
avatar for eladleev

Elad Leev

@eladleev554 followers1,037 tweets679 commits
96% match
avatar for ehhheaadi


@ehhheaadi183 followers1,047 tweets621 commits
96% match
avatar for qlhoest

Quentin Lhoest

@qlhoest3,011 followers1,009 tweets711 commits
96% match
avatar for rphlmr

Raphaël Moreau ⚡️

@rphlmr569 followers943 tweets637 commits
96% match