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40 tweets
302 commits
nsvoriginals spends 12% of their time tweeting and 88% of their time coding
nsvoriginals and Rishabh Java are 96% compatible as cofounders
Rishabh Java
293 tweets
45 commits
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Rishabh Java spends 87% of their time tweeting and 13% of their time coding
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avatar for karanirobins


@karanirobins380 followers308 tweets42 commits
98% match
avatar for rishabhjava

Rishabh Java

@rishabhjava231 followers293 tweets45 commits
96% match
avatar for its0merfaruk

Ömer Faruk Kurt 𓃬

@its0merfaruk25 followers308 tweets48 commits
96% match
avatar for acamikuro

CamiKuro.js ☄️💜

@acamikuro502 followers314 tweets37 commits
96% match
avatar for solankivedant10


@solankivedant1051 followers310 tweets48 commits
95% match
avatar for rocky336_


@rocky336_13 followers285 tweets35 commits
94% match
avatar for chrsgrrtt

Chris Garrett

@chrsgrrtt943 followers309 tweets55 commits
94% match
avatar for git_cuber

Arpit Chaudhary

@git_cuber175 followers309 tweets56 commits
93% match
avatar for lawliets33

Lawliet Sánchez

@lawliets3321 followers281 tweets42 commits
93% match
avatar for retkoussa

Firas 🐘

@retkoussa283 followers324 tweets43 commits
93% match
avatar for jimmyeatcrab


@jimmyeatcrab743 followers294 tweets23 commits
93% match
avatar for amilcarex


@amilcarex29 followers282 tweets48 commits
92% match
avatar for twcdev


@twcdev45 followers285 tweets28 commits
92% match
avatar for gunhanselas


@gunhanselas184 followers327 tweets45 commits
91% match
avatar for felix4dev

Felix Tineo

@felix4dev52 followers276 tweets44 commits
91% match
avatar for siangonza


@siangonza102 followers307 tweets67 commits
91% match