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570 tweets
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pranav spends 59% of their time tweeting and 41% of their time coding
pranav and Ricardo Cuan ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฆ are 95% compatible as cofounders
Ricardo Cuan ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฆ spends 38% of their time tweeting and 62% of their time coding
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@vanfarock36 followers391 tweets569 commits
99% match
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เซ zjukd00m เซ

@zjukd00m3 followers394 tweets565 commits
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Thomas Lombart

@thomas_lombart978 followers393 tweets578 commits
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Anuj Das AD๐•ฉ

@geeky_adx73 followers383 tweets571 commits
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Keshav Malik

@_keshav_malik634 followers398 tweets555 commits
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@kentchunga1,604 followers400 tweets547 commits
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Wissam Antoun

@wissam_antoun939 followers410 tweets556 commits
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@prismozaid19 followers414 tweets557 commits
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Pooja Belaramani

@pbelaramani1,270 followers365 tweets578 commits
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@0xrafaelnicolau77 followers381 tweets599 commits
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Ricardo Cuan ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฆ

@ricardocuan67 followers356 tweets577 commits
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@legacynical25 followers359 tweets582 commits
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@whym1here780 followers398 tweets616 commits
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@leakedweights89 followers384 tweets530 commits
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Nick Savrov

@savrov_n172 followers391 tweets523 commits
95% match
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Alex Babits

@alexbabits100 followers424 tweets547 commits
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