avatar for pray3m_
Prem Gautam ⌘
932 tweets
2,307 commits
Prem Gautam ⌘ spends 29% of their time tweeting and 71% of their time coding
Prem Gautam ⌘ and RASTIQ  are 95% compatible as cofounders
2,459 tweets
944 commits
avatar for rastiqdev
RASTIQ  spends 72% of their time tweeting and 28% of their time coding
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avatar for mahdisml


@mahdisml1,726 followers2,305 tweets984 commits
98% match
avatar for kadeksuryam

Surya Mahardika

@kadeksuryam85 followers2,395 tweets926 commits
97% match
avatar for kotlinist

Mert Şimşek

@kotlinist4,297 followers2,210 tweets933 commits
97% match
avatar for merouanezouaid

Kaito | 海斗

@merouanezouaid1,586 followers2,341 tweets861 commits
97% match
avatar for codingjhames

James Mejía

@codingjhames154 followers2,367 tweets885 commits
97% match
avatar for roktim___


@roktim___722 followers2,255 tweets860 commits
96% match
avatar for nathanlsdev

Nⲁⲧⲏⲁⲛ ⳐⲊ

@nathanlsdev65 followers2,319 tweets820 commits
96% match
avatar for sids7


@sids7861 followers2,231 tweets880 commits
96% match
avatar for kya_yaarakshat

Akshat Gupta

@kya_yaarakshat732 followers2,402 tweets898 commits
96% match
avatar for harisheoran

Harish Sheoran

@harisheoran462 followers2,412 tweets900 commits
96% match
avatar for ebenezerdn


@ebenezerdn12,239 followers2,281 tweets815 commits
96% match
avatar for fanny_codes

Fanny Nyayic

@fanny_codes1,933 followers2,257 tweets1,025 commits
96% match
avatar for rastiqdev


@rastiqdev106 followers2,459 tweets944 commits
95% match
avatar for dev_seungjun


@dev_seungjun452 followers2,184 tweets975 commits
95% match
avatar for lvidalio

Leo Vidal

@lvidalio134 followers2,172 tweets894 commits
95% match
avatar for ograh_

Ayo Ograh

@ograh_494 followers2,374 tweets823 commits
95% match