avatar for rohit7101
Rohit Ramesh
1,175 tweets
1,392 commits
Rohit Ramesh spends 46% of their time tweeting and 54% of their time coding
Rohit Ramesh and Geidel Guerra are 97% compatible as cofounders
Geidel Guerra
1,454 tweets
1,186 commits
avatar for geidelguerra
Geidel Guerra spends 55% of their time tweeting and 45% of their time coding
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avatar for clm_2001


@clm_200198 followers1,373 tweets1,169 commits
99% match
avatar for just_adev


@just_adev504 followers1,404 tweets1,193 commits
99% match
avatar for taavisaft

Taavi Saft

@taavisaft236 followers1,416 tweets1,158 commits
98% match
avatar for phklive

Miden's intern 🥷

@phklive2,181 followers1,361 tweets1,160 commits
98% match
avatar for huamanraj

Aman Raj

@huamanraj211 followers1,382 tweets1,132 commits
98% match
avatar for ayushjhax


@ayushjhax526 followers1,324 tweets1,170 commits
97% match
avatar for geidelguerra

Geidel Guerra

@geidelguerra98 followers1,454 tweets1,186 commits
97% match
avatar for karashi_mentai1

Tetsuro | Tech.Uni 広報

@karashi_mentai1286 followers1,393 tweets1,258 commits
97% match
avatar for revnoplex


@revnoplex38 followers1,383 tweets1,261 commits
96% match
avatar for raoul1808

Raoul1808 (Mew)

@raoul1808106 followers1,320 tweets1,200 commits
96% match
avatar for suleymanuren

Süleyman Üren

@suleymanuren135 followers1,375 tweets1,259 commits
96% match
avatar for senzkriti

Sanskriti Harmukh 🥑

@senzkriti924 followers1,357 tweets1,108 commits
96% match
avatar for eddylazzarin

Eddy Lazzarin 🟠🔭

@eddylazzarin18,773 followers1,438 tweets1,235 commits
96% match
avatar for igolaizola

Iñigo Garcia Olaizola

@igolaizola267 followers1,407 tweets1,268 commits
96% match
avatar for lucataco93

Luis C

@lucataco933,580 followers1,515 tweets1,176 commits
95% match
avatar for cpenned

Chris Pennington (Coding in Public)

@cpenned1,618 followers1,471 tweets1,238 commits
94% match