avatar for scott_mckendry
Scott McKendry
57 tweets
1,944 commits
Scott McKendry spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
Scott McKendry and andre.js 🤠 are 96% compatible as cofounders
andre.js 🤠
1,912 tweets
0 commits
avatar for aalmeida00
andre.js 🤠 spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for _0xstacker


@_0xstacker501 followers1,936 tweets60 commits
99% match
avatar for kodejeet


@kodejeet440 followers1,938 tweets82 commits
98% match
avatar for imahdiahz


@imahdiahz2,033 followers1,938 tweets23 commits
98% match
avatar for bautitobal

Tobal 🇸🇲

@bautitobal171 followers1,908 tweets51 commits
98% match
avatar for pushkar1713

Pushkar Aggarwal

@pushkar1713460 followers1,941 tweets97 commits
98% match
avatar for donkung


@donkung104 followers1,929 tweets19 commits
97% match
avatar for thenanobel

Nave Nobel

@thenanobel419 followers1,989 tweets49 commits
97% match
avatar for miklos_akos

Ákos Miklós @miklos_akos@mastodon.social

@miklos_akos96 followers1,977 tweets82 commits
97% match
avatar for pangzlab

Pangz (pangz.vrsc@)

@pangzlab202 followers1,955 tweets0 commits
97% match
avatar for shebhenghelabi


@shebhenghelabi378 followers1,974 tweets99 commits
96% match
avatar for ibrahimcious

Ibrahim Aji

@ibrahimcious72 followers1,919 tweets8 commits
96% match
avatar for tejasvtwts

Tejas V

@tejasvtwts221 followers2,005 tweets70 commits
96% match
avatar for _ajutamang_

Aju Tamang

@_ajutamang_561 followers1,875 tweets72 commits
96% match
avatar for tonilijic

Toni Lijic

@tonilijic1,266 followers1,875 tweets75 commits
96% match
avatar for tonystalkerr


@tonystalkerr609 followers1,998 tweets92 commits
96% match
avatar for aalmeida00

andre.js 🤠

@aalmeida00158 followers1,912 tweets0 commits
96% match