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Shawarmabro ⚽️🚀
1,062 tweets
4,108 commits
Shawarmabro ⚽️🚀 spends 21% of their time tweeting and 79% of their time coding
Shawarmabro ⚽️🚀 and Sercan Arğa are 97% compatible as cofounders
Sercan Arğa
4,012 tweets
1,142 commits
avatar for sercanarga
Sercan Arğa spends 78% of their time tweeting and 22% of their time coding
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@vanichitkara4,676 followers4,125 tweets1,014 commits
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@0xilis164 followers4,032 tweets1,021 commits
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Dani Baeyens

@danibaeyens595 followers4,222 tweets1,049 commits
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@mainamwangiy320 followers3,995 tweets1,043 commits
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@yellowberry__304 followers4,107 tweets1,232 commits
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@sarvasvkulpati7,022 followers4,252 tweets1,092 commits
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Sercan Arğa

@sercanarga1,608 followers4,012 tweets1,142 commits
97% match
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@hejratijam1,133 followers4,193 tweets966 commits
96% match
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steph 🌊 oceans404.eth

@0ceans4048,219 followers4,287 tweets1,065 commits
96% match
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Pedro Ricardo 💻

@pedr_ricardo767 followers3,989 tweets990 commits
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David Ondrej

@davidondrej19,790 followers4,156 tweets1,211 commits
96% match
avatar for hiteshdotcom

Hitesh Choudhary

@hiteshdotcom32,474 followers4,115 tweets871 commits
96% match
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@snowclipsed737 followers4,286 tweets1,092 commits
96% match
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Chris Albon

@chrisalbon86,352 followers3,957 tweets1,002 commits
96% match