avatar for shouryamk
3,628 tweets
233 commits
Shouryam🪽 spends 94% of their time tweeting and 6% of their time coding
Shouryam🪽 and Kieran Holroyd are 98% compatible as cofounders
Kieran Holroyd
252 tweets
3,569 commits
avatar for kieranholroyd
Kieran Holroyd spends 7% of their time tweeting and 93% of their time coding
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@dannythedawger227 followers248 tweets3,620 commits
99% match
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Manuel Osorio

@themanuelosorio94 followers216 tweets3,638 commits
99% match
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Yash Shah

@roamingrahi710 followers243 tweets3,606 commits
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Paper カミ

@codesonpaper16 followers209 tweets3,616 commits
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@vipineth475 followers264 tweets3,634 commits
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@xingyu_liao52 followers235 tweets3,669 commits
99% match
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@salman0ansari12 followers219 tweets3,662 commits
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Dhruvan Bhalara

@dhruvanbhalara54 followers276 tweets3,619 commits
99% match
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@benlebich32 followers205 tweets3,596 commits
98% match
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Mukul Kolpe | mukulkolpe.lens

@mukulkolpe635 followers293 tweets3,626 commits
98% match
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Yashika Jotwani

@yashika_jotwani595 followers232 tweets3,691 commits
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@carlos0kira279 followers292 tweets3,634 commits
98% match
avatar for mzh1024

Meng Zhang

@mzh1024306 followers204 tweets3,666 commits
98% match
avatar for kallsyms

Nick G

@kallsyms634 followers167 tweets3,632 commits
98% match
avatar for kieranholroyd

Kieran Holroyd

@kieranholroyd55 followers252 tweets3,569 commits
98% match