avatar for sourin_inc
2,017 tweets
1,450 commits
Sourin spends 58% of their time tweeting and 42% of their time coding
Sourin and Dani ✨🐚 are 97% compatible as cofounders
Dani ✨🐚
1,387 tweets
2,075 commits
avatar for starsandspirals
Dani ✨🐚 spends 40% of their time tweeting and 60% of their time coding
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avatar for pnnutkung_pub


@pnnutkung_pub70 followers1,492 tweets2,028 commits
98% match
avatar for m_gd__l

m a g d i e l

@m_gd__l98 followers1,479 tweets1,988 commits
98% match
avatar for dhkatz_


@dhkatz_88 followers1,421 tweets1,982 commits
98% match
avatar for iambryansanders

Bryan Sanders

@iambryansanders2,898 followers1,471 tweets2,060 commits
98% match
avatar for manishgotame


@manishgotame98 followers1,444 tweets2,077 commits
98% match
avatar for marygooneratne

Mary Gooneratne

@marygooneratne4,071 followers1,460 tweets1,938 commits
97% match
avatar for realshojaei


@realshojaei1,541 followers1,519 tweets2,046 commits
97% match
avatar for peter_jnsn


@peter_jnsn167 followers1,385 tweets1,981 commits
97% match
avatar for pwnfunction


@pwnfunction38,362 followers1,414 tweets1,949 commits
97% match
avatar for abdulirsyad15


@abdulirsyad15193 followers1,375 tweets1,976 commits
97% match
avatar for starsandspirals

Dani ✨🐚

@starsandspirals349 followers1,387 tweets2,075 commits
97% match
avatar for fueredoriku

Fredrik Eiding

@fueredoriku37 followers1,417 tweets2,113 commits
96% match
avatar for adibvafa


@adibvafa532 followers1,498 tweets1,933 commits
96% match
avatar for shbhtngpl

shobhit nagpal

@shbhtngpl134 followers1,476 tweets1,910 commits
96% match
avatar for marsimard


@marsimard263 followers1,312 tweets2,018 commits
96% match
avatar for _ayoubfathi_

Ayoub FATHI 阿尤布 🇵🇸

@_ayoubfathi_8,025 followers1,446 tweets2,154 commits
96% match